2015 Annual Meeting Notes


June 13, 2015 — Saturday

10:30 AM — Annual Meeting — Collegeville Township Hall

Meeting called to order by President James Sand at 10:30 AM.  Collegeville Township Hall.

Board Members present: Jim Sand, President, and Jack Brunner Sec’t. Matt Peters, Treasurer, Allen Schmitz, Bill Schnettler, Tom Schnettler, Bryan Bjorkland. Excused: Joe Fox.

  1. Jim Sand introduced our guest speaker, Joe Stewig Area Fisheries manager for the MN DNR. Joe spoke until 11:22 AM of the history of the DNR’s involvement with fish population on BFL. In the State of MN there are over 3000 lakes similar in fish habitat of BFL Basically the lake is in a good position for developing a healthy divertive fish population.
  2. Joe also provided an update on the Northern Pike slot limit. Based on net testing since implemented it appears the slot limit has not achieved positive results. The slot limit will be up for review in 2016. A public hearing will be scheduled summer of 2016 for public comment. Mr. Stewig can be reached at joe.stewig@state.mn.us.
    1. Jim Sand convened the annual meeting determining that a quorum was present. A motion was made to approve the agenda and the minutes of the last annual meeting. Passed 100%
    2. Treasurer’s Report: handed out to all attendees. Budget for the year $2,365.00, spent to date: $629.29, remaining: $1,735.71. Visionary Fund: $391.70. Dues from 131 members $14,230.00. Boat inspection Income $7,500.00 no expenses. Conservancy Fund $53,313.79. Other income from CF Interest $2,350.00; Stearns Electric $250.00, Bank Interest $9.55, + Non-Dedicated Fund =       $12,374,30 [Committee hopes to allow this fund to grow to $20,000 to cover any sort of future emergency cost.
    3. Officer election: Bryon B is retiring. Doug Adamak is running. Fr. Jack, Allen S, Matt P, and Joe F are also running. No other names are in contention. This slate was voted in 100%, with a motion and a second.
    4. Officer position: Jim Sand president, Matt P as Treasurer, Fr. Jack Secretary, Kit Ferber as vice president. Motion/second/passed 100%.
    5. Membership: Kit F: 131 members out of a potential of 224. There is a need for more members. The committee is working on this, along with fund raising options and various social gatherings.
    6. Fisheries: Tom S: Satisfied with the DNR approach to BFL and the committee is working on stocking options and a long-range plan.
    7. Vegetation: Matt P: No call about invasive species or strange vegetation.
    8. Water quality: Matt P: Rain Fall 20.24 to date. Average 22.23”. Average Secchi Reading is now at 16.8”.       Excellent. A wealth of information is collected by Matt year around.
    9. Rena: Big Fish Lake Associations Social at the Orchard on Thursday 21st of August at 6 PM. Chicken will be prepared by the Short Stop Custom Catering. (Bryon B.)
    10. Boat Inspections: Going as planned. Only one boat had to be cleaned before entering. We have many boats on BFL coming in from invested lakes.
    11. AIS County: receiving $15,100 for Boat inspection. A Real blessing.
    12. County Variances: The association does not get involved.
    13. Web site: Is up to date.
    14. Joint Mtg with Big Watab: Looking at ways to coordinate various efforts.
    15. Question from Floor. Steve Scjack addressed the subject of boats with large wakes. Legislation is not the apparent answer. Good boat Etiquette is needed. Let’s talk with one another.
    16. Loon Up-Date: five chicks. One pair with 2; one pair with 1; Hermann Lake one pair with 2 chicks has moved unto BFL.
    17. Bryon Bjorkland thanked everyone for being able to serve on the board and urged everyone to continue to increase membership. He thanked the board for their hard work and leadership.       Byron will be missed on the Board but he will still be actively involved with the association
    18. Meeting adjourned with motion/second/100% at 12:10 PM.

Minutes by Jack H. Brunner.