2015 Board Meeting Notes



6:03 PM – Home of Jim Sands

Meeting called to order by President James Sand at 6:30 PM. At the home of Jim Sand.

Board Members present: Jim Sand, President, Jack Brunner, Sec’t. Bill Schnettler, Allen Schmitz, Joe Fox, Kit Ferber, Doug Adamak. Absent Tom Schnettler.

AGENDA: Meeting began at 6:30 AM. Jim Sand called meeting to order.

  1. Jim called on Kit F to report on membership status; a gentle reminder will be sent to those who did not return membership dues. An additional $855.00 was received. For 2016 total to date: $13,195.00. this means 85 participants, one complaint, 36 donations increased, 8 decreased. For 2015 123 members. Receipts will be sent out. Will need $100 more for postage. Kit and her helpers were thanked for their excellent work.
  2. 2015 Budget will close approximately $400 under budget. Bank Balance is at $36,910.09. Conservancy Fund $53,313.79, other income $13.009.30.
  3. 2016 BFLAssociation Operating Budget: $2,385. MOTION Allen, Bill: Passed 100%.
  4. Boat Inspections 2015: 2155 Boat inspections by WG and DNR. 1,290 Hours of inspection. No known complaints. (Miracle)
  5. County AIS Plan. They admit there is no such thing as a good back up plan.   Best plan is to keep the lake free from AIS. If we see foreign weeds the local DNR should by contacted ASAP.
  6. Boat Inspections; 2016 Budget: At $18.00 per hour. 73 full 8 hr days; 19 4 hr days. On Weekends: 53 12 hour days. Cost: $23,328.. Cuz of the increase for County funds from additional lake associations, our request may be lowered. EG: Weeds Survey; cost = $3,100. We need to know what is in our lake. This survey is vip. MOTION: proceed with both budget plans to see how it will balance. Kit/Doug. Passed 100%.
  7. Finances 2016: On Hand Balance: $40,000. Minus Budget $2,385; Weed contract $3,100; Boat Inspections $23,328 = $11,187 balance for our war chest. This is presuming no grants. We will get some, which will cushion our ‘war chest’.

MOTION: Accept Weed Survey of $3,100 for 2016. Joe/Matt. Passed 100%.

  1. Allen: DNR permit fee for cleaning the lake outlet. Cost $150.This would be annual. MOTION: to proceed Allen/Matt. Passed 100%
  2. Discussion: on wireless around the lake. No consensus was arrived at.
  3. Septic System. We understand that a few county commissioners wish to rescind the regulation that when property is sold, the septic system must meet standards. We all agree that is does not seem protective of our waters. Letter should be sent to the commissioners asking that this proposal NOT be adopted. MOTION Kit/Jim. Passed 100%.
  4. General discussion regarding Timberlee property which is for sale.


Minutes by Fr. Jack Brunner