Big Fish Lake Association
Annual Meeting
8:30 am – Collegeville Township Hall
Meeting called to order by President Kit Ferber. Board members present: Jim Sand, Past President; Jack Brunner, Secretary; Matt Peters, Treasurer; Allen Schmitz, Joe Fox, Doug Adamek, Bill Unger and Joel Meyer.
- Meeting called to order by Kit. Note: electricity was out in a multi-township area. Without the power the guest speaker, Kevin Farnum from Lake Koronis, gave his presentation on Starry Stonewort without a power point. It was a meaningful presentation and well-done. His outline centered on three points: 1) stop the spread of this species, 2) be diligent in boat inspections, and 3) have a solid, practical management plan.
- At the 9:23 am, the presentation ended and President Ferber announced a legal quorum was present and the meeting would proceed.
- Minutes of the 2016 annual meeting were approved by a vote of 100%.
- Paul Steil reviewed all changes in the updated by-laws. Discussion was held on the meaning of the word ‘Audit’. That being settled, Paul asked for a show of hands disapproval. Being none, the motions was made to approve all changes ~ 100%.
- Matt Peters was called upon to give the annual financial report. The present budget has spent $1,317.77 with a $1,007.23 remaining balance. Bank balance as of 6/7/17 was $26,607.80. Conservancy Fund was at $53, 408.56. The boat inspection budget so far has spent $12,411.00 with $12,805.00 remaining. At 9:52 am the electricity came back on. Sisters of St. Joseph Carondelet who used to have a retreat home on the lake donated $5,000 to our association. Motion to put this money in a reserve to use towards an AIS “war chest” was passed by 100%.
- Kit reminded everyone that anything coming into the lake and going out of the lake should be inspected for zebra mussels as well as the Starry Stonewort.
- Loon nests: We have 5 adults and two sets of twins for a total of nine loons.
- Election of new Board members: Mark Backus, Nina Steil and Chris Wenner were nominated and a motion was made to approve these three candidates who will serve at least a two year term. It was seconded and 100% approved. Thank you to Father Jack and Joe Fox for your past service.
- New Business: discussion was had regarding the feasibility of a Volunteer Water Patrol. People saw this as both a good idea and a dangerous liability idea, per Paul Steil. Conclusion: this must be studied very carefully before moving ahead. An informed association membership regarding rules and regulations of boating, inspections and basic courtesy could be a better idea.
- At 10:38 pm Kit Ferber adjourned the meeting, thanking everyone for being present.
Written by Jack H. Brunner