6:03 PM-Home of Jim Sand
Meeting called to order by President James Sand at 6:30 PM. At the home of Jim Sand.
Board Members present: Jim Sand, President, Jack Brunner, Sec’t. Bill Schnettler, Allen Schmitz, Joe Fox, Kit Ferber, (Absent Doug Adamak)
AGENDA: Meeting began at 6:30 AM. Jim Sand called meeting to order.
- Motion by Allen, 2nd by Joe to accept minutes as published and emailed to all members.
- Jim: Newsletter cost was $230.89. Budget unspent to date: $2041.68. Budgeted $2385.00. Good news. There are bills pending.
- Jim: Annual Meeting June 11th Township Hall from 8:30 to 10:30.
- Motion to accept budget as published, By Tom/Kit. Passed 100%.
- By Jim and Kit: 227 Names on our list, with 221 Parcels. 131 members = 68-69 % are members. Plus 5 business membership. One request to have half page (or larger) ads in our newsletter. Not possible at this time.
- Boat Inspections: DNR sent a summery sheet. DNR promised 375 hours of inspection time. Fulfilled less than half. Jim has discussed this issue with DNR. In 2015 from May 14 to Oct 13. 1296 hours of inspection. Same for 2016. 921 Hours we need to contract with county and will receive grant dollars to offset 50% of cost. Motion by Jim/Matt to permit Jim and Kit to work out this contract with LAMB/County; and sign all the necessary papers. Motion Passed 100%.
- Wake Boats: Report by Jim and Tom; Boats too close to shore line, causing erosion of the shore. People are concerned. No violation of any law. People need to be reminded to stay away from shore lines and diving docks. Is it possible to remind people via newsletter or a handout at the landing? Jim will look into this.
- Clean out of sand build up at outlet. Allen: Historically the clean out was done with donated labor. Now there is a permit fee between $100 – $150. Township may pay for this. Allen will investigate who may want to do this work and will report back to this committee.
- Pay Pal For the Association: Long discussion. Many pros and cons. Many people prefer checks. Our membership is small. Discussion tabled.
- Loon Nests: Kit and her family along with Matt Peters put the nests out on Easter Sunday. March 27th. Our nests are heavy. Discussion about building new ones out of PVC piping. Good discussion. Item tabled.
- Annual meeting June 11: Asking Jeff Forester of Minnesota Lakes & Rivers to speak on lake issues. Terms of office for Jim, Kit, Tom and Bill.
- Association Web Site. This will be studied.
- Alley Plants were paid for by the township. They have the bill these costs.
- Mosquito spraying: it’s a choice for each land owner.
- Next Meeting Monday 23rd of May (6:30 PM) to prepare for the annual meeting. MEETING CLOSED AT 8:00 PM.
- Minutes by Fr. Jack Brunner